In this edition:  Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM results, Hornsby Council Elections, Metro Northwest.
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Annual General Meeting  - Results
The AGM was held on Tuesday night 4 April 2017 at the Beecroft Bowling Club. The meeting was well attended with over 100 residents on the night. Although our Federal Member Mr Jullian Leeser and our State member Mr Damien Tudehope were unable to attend due to parliamentary commitments we did have five Hornsby Councillors , namely Bernadette Azizi, Michael Hutchence, Jerome Cox from our C Ward and Nick Berman and Robert Browne from B Ward.
The guest speaker was Crime Prevention Officer Shane Carne from the Gladesville Local Area Command who gave an enlightening talk on local crime levels and how best to minimise break ins. He did promote the new community portal web site where you can create an app on your mobile phone, where residents can register non-emergency police reports such as graffiti, lost property and intentional damage. Constable Carne also explained the emergency app
The Trust encourages residents to consider using these apps for their own safety but also for our local community.
Kent Ross has retired as President after completing his maximum three years. The Trust committee would like to thank Kent for his contribution to introducing significant changes to the operation of the Trust. The past three years have been very busy for the Trust dealing with high profile issues such as the sale of 179 Beecroft Rd, the council amalgamation, the subdivision at 79-87 Malton Road , the Metro train line at Cheltenham oval, the ETTT (third track) , the Beecroft unit development and the new Beecroft shopping complex. Apart from the trust’s continuing scrutiny of inappropriate DA’s the issues have been never ending involving all three levels of government. 
The AGM also voted on the use of the $2.7mill funds from the sale of the former church at 179 Beecroft Rd.  The voting was delayed while the councillors attempted to explain how residents’ participation in designing the new gardens at Beecroft also meant our councillors had community approval to allocate up to $0.6 million of the church funds for the gardens at the Council December 2016 meeting.
The results of the AGM poll:
  1.       Byles Creek – acquisition of 79 – 87 Malton Rd , remaining portion   50 votes
  2.       Memorial Gardens – excluding car park                                              36 votes
  3.       Beecroft Village Green Rotunda                                                            5 votes
  4.       Cheltenham Oval - synthetic turf                                                          26 votes
  5.       Rec Club disabled access                                                                    35 votes
  6.       New community Centre- new asset in Cheltenham                               26 votes
  7.       Digitise rate books                                                                                11 votes
  8.       Underground power lines                                                                       3 votes
  9.       Pedestrian mall in Beecroft                                                                   39 votes
  10.   Cycle tracks                                                                                              15 votes
  11.   Byles Creek – walking track and signage                                                 35 votes
  12.   Community centre improvements (acoustics)                                           32 votes
Hornsby Council will be notified of the above results which was passed as a motion. A second motion was earlier carried that the Trust will contact the Minister for Local Government requesting that the section of Hornsby Council that was transferred to the new Parramatta Council be transferred back.  
The elected Trust committee for 2017 is Patricia Brown, Michael McAuley, Nina Mital , Glynn Rogers, Brian Shirley, Kath Smith, Peter Snelgrove, Michael Stove, Andrew Vincent, Harkirat Dhindsa and Ross Walker.  Office bearers will decided at our next committee meeting in early May.  For procedural reasons the committee convened briefly last week and elected Ross Walker as the new President.   Janet Hayes has also been invited to join the committee.

Metro Northwest at Cheltenham Oval
 To find out the latest from the Metro team  Click here to read the Easter edition of the Sydney Metro newsletter
Trust Website
Some of you may be aware that the Trust has had a lot of problems with our website being hacked over the past 12 months or so. It has been frustrating and embarrassing. We hope to matters resolved soon when we change our ISP . Fingers crossed we we will be up and running at soon.

Hornsby Council Elections
There has been a significant amount of discussion in the printed media about the outstanding local government amalgamations and council elections. The Trust is anticipating Hornsby Council will be having elections in September this year, which is only five months away.  The likely date is September 9.  If the elections do proceed the Trust will be conducting another Meet the Candidates evening for residents to get an insight of the candidates standing.   Note that the Trust is apolitical and will not be endorsing any specific party.  

Trust Membership and eNews...
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member in 2017!

Just a reminder that membership is due at the AGM each year. For those who have already paid, many thanks. Household Membership: only $20 per year; Pensioner/Single Resident: $10 per year.
To renew your membership for 2017, please send a cheque with your phone and email details to PO Box 31, Beecroft 2119, OR credit our bank account directly: BSB 062-113 10068238, using your name as a reference.  Please also send an email to advising that you have updated your membership for 2017.   Donations are also accepted.
The eNews is becoming our main method for disseminating information to the community. Currently we have over 1020 email addresses, up from 900 two months ago.  We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.  Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The Trust will continue to distribute the printed bulletin as not everyone uses the internet.  
The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.
Kind regards,
Ross Walker

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