1st February 2019 Edition One. In this edition:
Presidents Report,
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM,
New South Wales State Government Elections,
Clean Up Australia 2019,
Latest Police Reports,
Traffic management outcome for The Promenade Cheltenham,
Flexible water hoses in your house and insurance claims,
Significant Development issues affecting Beecroft and Cheltenham,
Planning review for Parramatta City Council,
Charity Garage Sale at Beecroft Scout Hall,
Mens Probus in Beecroft,
Beecroft Ladies Probus,
Recycling our waste.
President's Report Welcome
to the start of another new year. A start to the New Year that
some of us are likely to remember for quite some time. What with the
December storm prior to Christmas to the recent heatwave with its
accompanying humidity, some of us have no doubt found the events taxing.
Many of us were affected by the storm, some with a minor inconvenient
blackout to the other extreme with major property damage. Even now, six
weeks after the event, there are still houses waiting repairs, not to
mention the damaged trees on private and public lands. Storm damaged tree in Chapman Ave. Beecroft
have tried to include something different in each eNews to maintain
reader interest. This edition has an article on insurance claims for
water damage and details on compensation claims for the recent power
On a personal note, I wish to thank the many readers who have
congratulated me on my Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM). The email
from the Governor General’s office was unexpected when it arrived late
last year. I wish to thank you, the local community, for nominating me
for the award. But I am of course, not alone. There are a large
number of volunteers who are continually contributing to make our valued
community what it is. That is why I am proud to live
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust Annual General Meeting 2019 The Trust will hold its AGM on Tuesday 19th March 2019 at the Beecroft Bowling Club, commencing at 7.30pm.
Guest speaker will be Hornsby Council’s Group Manager of Planning James
Farrington, who will provide residents with a summary of changes to the
planning legislation and these changes will impact on Beecroft and
Cheltenham. More details will be posted in the New Year, including
details of how residents can join the Trust Committee.
To ensure the Trust’s survival, it is essential we have a steady flow of Committee Members.
New South Wales State Government Elections - Reminder We will all be voting on Saturday 23rd March 2019. The Trust has booked the Beecroft Bowling Club (Beecroft Club) in Copeland Road for a “Meet the Candidates” evening on Tuesday 12th March 2019, commencing at 7.30pm sharp. This
is traditionally an event where the Trust invites all candidates for
the local Seat of Epping to address the residents of Beecroft and
Cheltenham. The meeting will follow a similar format to previous
years with each candidate given a 3 minute timeframe to present their
views, followed by a formal Q and A segment. Supper will be provided
following the meeting at 9.15pm, providing the opportunity for residents
to chat informally with the candidates till 10pm. The Trust will have
the bar closed for the evening.
Clean Up Australia 2019 – Beecroft Village Green
Sunday 3rd March Clean Up Australia for 2019 will be held on the 3rd of March between 9am and Noon. We have found in the past that three hours is sufficient time for each group to clean up a designated area.
As in past years, the Trust will set up at the picnic tables on the
Beecroft Village Green and head out to the regular hotspots for rubbish
throughout our two suburbs. Anyone interested in participating can
either register their name online before the day or simply turn up on
the morning and fill out the form provided. (Please note, as of last
week the CUA website CLICK HERE still does not have Beecroft in the system) .
White bags will be available for rubbish and yellow bags for
recyclables. Wear sensible clothing and bring your own gloves. All
welcome of course but children need to be accompanied by an adult.
Clean up Australia 2018
Latest Police Reports CLICK HERE
for the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Traffic management outcome for The Promenade Cheltenham The
Trust received this report from Hornsby Council late last year. The
changes to traffic management may impact some residents with children
returning to school. CLICK HEREto view the documents. CLICK HERE to view the plan.
Flexible water hoses in your house and insurance claims Anyone
who belongs to a ski lodge in the NSW snowfields may have already read
an article circulated by SLOPES (Ski Lodges of Perisher and Smiggins) in
their newsletter about insurance claims. The report has been timely,
with one of the major insurance companies stating that 1 in 5 water
damage claims lodged by Australian households were caused by flexible
braided hoses bursting without warning and flooding rooms. The flexi
hose has a limited lifespan of about 5-10 years. The hose itself is
constructed in outer braided layers of stainless steel with a rubber
pipe interior.
It would appear that a flexi-hose is designed mainly for its
malleability and convenience of installation only. The article
recommends that flexible hoses should be regularly inspected by licensed
plumbers with the expectation that hoses be replaced after 5 years. The
other recommendation is that residents get in the habit of turning off
water supplies at the meter if they intend to be away for an extended
period, including a weekend.
Storm Damage Power Outages Ausgrid Claim Forms Beecroft
Cheltenham residents who want to claim compensationfor whatever they
lost as a result of no electricity in our area for more than 12 hours
after the 15 December severe afternoon storm. CLICK HERE and CLICK HERE
Significant Development issues affecting Beecroft and Cheltenham Last
year the Trust drew residents’ attention to the unauthorised demolition
of the oldest heritage listed cottage within Hornsby Shire at 578 Pennant Hills RdBeecroft.
The Development Application lodged to rebuild the demolished cottage
was approved by Hornsby Council prior to Christmas. The Trust will be
seeking a meeting with Council to discuss what steps Council will now be
taking regarding the actual unauthorised demolition.
There are two Land and Environment Court appeals coming up soon at 88 and 65D Malton Road Beecroft. They both relate to proposed dwellings refused by Hornsby Council now based upon amended plans.
Amended plans for a Seniors housing development at 14 Hull and 95-97 Copeland Road Beecroft
have been submitted to Hornsby Council. The amended plans are
required to address the issues raised by the IHAP. (Independent Hearing
and Assessment Panel).
Affordable Housing Discussion Paper for the Hornsby Shire. Council
is seeking your feedback on the Discussion Paper and any other options
we could consider to address affordable housing in Hornsby. CLICK HERE to access the discussion papers. Exhibition closes on Friday 1st March 2019.
Hornsby Council's Commercial Building Colour Scheme Survey At
its meeting on 12 December 2018, Council considered the report on the
survey results and resolved to write to the Minister of Planning
requesting an amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt
and Complying Development Codes) 2008 to exclude bright or
fluorescent colours from the exemption circumstances for painting a
building. Should the amendment be supported by the Minister, the
painting of commercial buildings in bright or fluorescent colours would
require approval.
You can read a Summary of Survey Results CLICK HERE:
The report considered at the Council meeting on 12 December 2018
(Group Manager's Report No. PL23/18) and the minutes detailing
Council’s resolution can be accessed at the following link: CLICK HERE:
Should you have any queries in relation to this survey please email colours@hornsby.nsw.gov.au.
Planning review for Parramatta City Council Parramatta
City Council is preparing new planning controls to replace the existing
Hornsby planning controls that apply to Beecroft south of the M2. The
notification email sent to the Trust with its website links can be
opened CLICK HERE.
Parramatta Council is seeking feedback on their discussion papers.
This review proposes to change the existing Local Environmental Plan
(LEP), which is a statutory document, plus the accompanying Development
Control Plan (DCP) which will contain the supporting guidelines.
Proposed residential changes to Beecroft include minimum lot size and
maximum dwelling height. The Trust recommends that you compare the
suggested changes with the existing controls and make a submission if
you have concerns. Exhibition closes on Monday 4th March 2019.
Charity Garage Sale at Beecroft Scout Hall WISEKidsWORLD is holding a charity garage sale on Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th April 2019 at the Beecroft Scout Hall in the Crescent.
The garage sale is being organized by Bindi Shah and is seeking
donations. Bindi can be contacted on 0417 663 547. Last year the
charity achieved $11,000, with the money going to Room to Read, a slum
school in New Delhi and toilets at a school in PNG and teacher training
in East Timor. CLICK HERE for their flyer promoting the event.
Mens Probus in Beecroft
- a message from the President Robin Graham The February meeting will be on 25th February
“Are the traditional media businesses dinosaurs” is the speaker’s topic at the February meeting of the club at Beecroft Bowling Club, Copeland Road – 10.00am. Monday 25th February.
Peter Cox, a leading independent economist, analyst and public speaker
on the communications and media industries in Australia will examine the
dramatic effects of digital disruption on the Australian media, leisure
and communications industries, and the threats and opportunities it
presents to all businesses.
Visitors and guests are most welcome. Phone Robin Graham, President, Beecroft Mens Probus – Tel 8411 3023 Mobile 0413 315 827
A new initiative in conjunction with Beecroft Ladies Probus and Beecroft Bowling club: 12th February Beecroft
Men’s Probus, in conjunction with Beecroft Ladies Probus and the
Beecroft Bowling Club, is launching a series of bi-monthly talks on
“Living better, not just longer in retirement” at the bowling club,
commencing on Tuesday 12th February at 4.30 pm.
The first topic is “Will my money last”. In these uncertain times, how
do we take stock of our present financial situation? What options,
approaches and responses should we be taking to optimise our lives in
the years ahead? Are we sufficiently knowledgeable and well organised to
cope with the unexpected? Two leading wealth management advisers will
be talking on the many implications of managing a retirement portfolio
to last the distance.
Visitors and guests are most welcome. For more information, phone Robin
Graham, Beecroft Mens Probus – Tel 8411 3023. Mobile 0413 315 827, or
simply Google “Beecroft Mens Probus”
Recycling our waste The
Trust believes residents of Beecroft and Cheltenham should be leaders
and not followers, when it comes to our household waste, we should all
think where all the waste ends up. We should be composting our green
waste and managing our yellow bins efficiently. With respect to
bulky waste we as a community should be setting an example by recycling
many of our unwanted goods.
The Trust reminds you that Hornsby Council has a new efficient recycling
depot in Sefton Rd. Thornleigh that collects all electronic equipment,
all types of batteries, light tubes and bulbs, but also soft plastic
that can’t be put into the yellow bins. If you can scrunch it in your
hand, it’s soft! We should not be putting the old TV and stereo,
or light tubes on the footpath for Council to pick up because the
contractors do not recycle the goods but send it all to landfill. The
Trust encourages you to set yourselves a new goal and to start
recycling. If you like driving to Bunnings at Thornleigh you
should enjoy travelling on to Sefton Rd to recycle your
unwanted products. Details are on Hornsby Council’s website. CLICK HERE.
Annual Memberships for 2019 will become due at the
Annual General Meeting on March 19th 2019... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1040 email addresses, up from 900 two
months ago. We encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell
their neighbours and friends. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.
The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.