Trust Membership Subscriptions and eNews...
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member in 2017!.
I wish to
personally thank those who have paid subscriptions. We have
received close to 120 payments so far this year. Those who have
forgotten please use the following details
Just a reminder that membership is due in April each year. For those who
have already paid, many thanks. Household Membership: only $20 per
year; Pensioner/Single Resident: $10 per year.
To renew your membership for 2017, please send a cheque with your
phone and email details to PO Box 31, Beecroft 2119, OR credit our bank
account directly: BSB 062-113 10068238, using your name as a
reference. Please also send an email to advising that you have updated your membership for 2017. Donations are also accepted.
The eNews is becoming our main method for disseminating information to
the community. Currently we have over 1020 email addresses, up from 900
two months ago. We encourage residents who receive the eNews to
tell their neighbours and friends. The eNews letter is available to all
who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The Trust will continue to distribute the printed bulletin as not everyone uses the internet.
The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.