Pennant Hills District Civic Trust, Inc.

7 City View Rd redevelopment

Dear Members of the Pennant Hills District Civic Trust!

Last week we mailed you regarding an important development application regarding 7 City View Road, Pennant Hills. Hornsby Shire Council's submission deadline is this Wednesday 4 May.
We recommend that you read the proposal documents and make a submission.

The Trust has analyzed some the key points that Residents need to make. The number of unique submissions does matter, so please submit with the following four points covered:

1. The plan offers detail of sound barriers against Pennant Hills Road and the Railway line,
2. visual privacy protection for residential neighbours below, and
3. improved pedestrian safety

These are all good and necessary proposals, but need to actually be a condition of approval, not just nice if they happen.

4. The proposed parking is greatly insufficient

Despite the floors going from 2 to 5, there will only be 17 more spaces. The previous occupant was already bussing in staff from PH Park. New Residential dwellings means that parking arrangements in surrounding streets would have congestion night and day.
5. The position of the proposed loading dock needs to be reconsidered and relocated.   There are safety and noise issues due to steep gradients and a blind corner.

6. There is a proposal to open access to traffic again to Boundary Road East from the already hectic intersection at Boundary Road and Pennant Hills Road. This is a recipe for traffic accidents. The Third Railway Track works managed without this, so another plan needs to be found.

Please find the email address for your submission, as well as of the proposals

Remember - the deadline for your submissions is Wednesday May 4th, 2022 closing of business.

Have you asked your neighbours or your friends to join the Pennant Hills District Civic Trust? Together we are stronger, and are more likely to have our comments and concerns heard by Hornsby Council, our Mayor Philip Ruddock AO, our local Member Matt Kean, or our Federal local Member Julian Leeser.

Feel like doing more than just paying your $20 a year? Join us in the Executive, and contribute your thoughts and ideas in our consultations and submissions. We are happy to welcome you in our team!
Do you like the Pennant Hills Civic Trust ? Think we're doing a great job? Wish more people would support the Trust? Then forward this mail to your friends and suggest them to become a member !
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Our mailing address is:
Pennant Hills Civic Trust
PO Box 454
Pennant Hills, Nsw 2120