9th December 2023. Edition One. In this edition: President's Report,
BCCT eNews,
BCCT survey,
Beautiful Things By...,
Call for volunteers
New Rotary Club,
Beecroft Orchestra,
1-3 Wongala Crescent,
Your Civic Trust,
Local JP,
City of Parramatta LEP,
Julian Leeser MP Newsletter,
Hornsby Counci Have your say,
Hornsby Council News Bulletin,
City of Parramatta News Bulletin,
Recent Development Applications,
Message from the President The last month has been one in which objective evidence has been at the forefront of much being considered by the Civic Trust.
As we reported last month, the ministerial response that we received
about M2 noise was generally dismissive of any concerns. Clearly, this
is not the experience of many residents living near the M2, those
walking in the neighbouring reserves or those using the sporting fields
at Cheltenham Oval. We had hoped to have the government conduct noise
tests and have these updated tests compared to tests conducted before
the North Connect was built. We could then monitor future changes.
Because the need for tests had been dismissed, the Civic Trust felt
that it should specifically seek results of earlier tests and then
conduct resident led noise testing. While the resident led testing may
not be as accurate, what we want to establish is that there is a prima
facie case for the mitigation of noise levels, to be considered by the
State government. We assume that noise coming from the structural design
of the M2 should be the responsibility of the State Government (as the
owner) rather than the motorway operator (who is more in the nature of a
tenant). Several residents have assisted us in collecting data which
can then be contrasted with internationally agreed harmful noise levels.
More recently, we (and nearby residents) have been informed by Hornsby
Shire Council that a cluster of magnificent native trees in Malton Road
around house numbers 28 to 30, will have to be removed. Since at
least 2015, Council has had these trees monitored by arborists over
concerns about their safety. The arborists' reports and more information
can be found on the link, CLICK HERE.
As a result, all trees identified will be removed at the one time. The
safety of each tree means that requests to remove individual trees over a
period of time has been rejected. The Civic Trust does not know of any
way to resist the arguments coming from the arborists. What the Civic
Trust has requested is that Council should plant replacement types of
similar trees and that these replacement trees be as mature as possible
to help re-establish the tree-scape and canopy being lost. Council
should also (where appropriate) consider the loss of this tree scape and
canopy in considering other aspects of this part of the heritage
conservation area. The trees are likely to be removed as early as 11
One issue for which Hornsby Shire Council requested a quantitative
survey based response, was the Civic Trust's repeated requests for a
'kiss and ride' arrangement near Beecroft station. If you haven’t
already done so, go onto the Hornsby Shire Council website and complete
the survey seeking residents' views, CLICK HERE.
The proposal being advanced is to convert the existing taxi rank in
Hannah Street to a non-parking zone except for taxis. This will allow
on-going use as a rank (and yes, a rank is helpful and is sometimes used
by taxis) but at other times the zone will allow these 3 spaces to be
used by those waiting to collect people from the buses or trains or
nearby businesses or even to have some one other than the driver, dash
out and collect items such as from the dry cleaner around the corner.
The History Group is very excited to note that it now only holds 27
copies of the second edition of “Beecroft and Cheltenham Heritage
Walks.” What a great Christmas present the remaining copies will be!
Copies can be purchased directly from the History group CLICK HERE or from the local newsagency.
Talking of Christmas, the Rotary festivities were a great success and
those of our local churches are still to come. Flyers about these events
are going up on notice boards, in our letterboxes and on websites.
I also hope to see many of you at the next performance of the Beecroft Orchestra which is advertised elsewhere in this e-news.
May we all have a safe and holy Christmas time, free of fires and
floods, with safety on our roads and times to think about (and enjoy)
families and the importance of relationships.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
Results from Hannah Street Beecroft Taxi parking survey Do
you agree that the taxi rank in Hannah Street should be reduced to one
space so as to have two parking spaces in front of Lindus dry cleaning
in Wongala Crescent, converted to Kiss and Ride spots?
Community response was 71% YES and 33% NO
As a result Hornsby Shire Council is planning to re-zone the Taxi parking CLICK HERE
Seniors Housing will from 2024, again be allowed in the Beecroft and Cheltenham Heritage Precinct The
state government, at the request of Hornsby Shire Council, agreed to
impose a temporary moratorium that has prohibited seniors housing in the
Beecroft Cheltenham Heritage Precinct.
This moratorium will expire from January 2024.
This will mean that seniors housing will again be a permissible use in
our local heritage precinct. Because seniors housing is a state planning
policy, Hornsby Shire Council is making some changes to the only
planning control under their control, namely the Hornsby Development
Control Plan (HDCP).
The DCP is not a statutory document like the seniors housing SEPP but simply guidelines with limited influence.
The expiration of the moratorium has the potential for more seniors housing within our heritage precinct.
The changes to the HDCP is listed as item 7 in next Wednesday’s business papers. CLICK HERE to view the business papers.
Beautiful Things By..... We
called in to see the new owner of "Beautiful Things By..." and were
delighted to catch HSC Councillor Emma Heyde in the shop. Emma
said she was really enjoying running a small business in the area and
went on to add that what she enjoyed most about the shop was having
local residents popping in for a chat.
When passing, pop in and say Hi to Emma; she makes one and all feel very welcome.
Hannah Street Planter Boxes The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust is calling for volunteers to assist
with watering the Planter boxes in our Hannah Street village. We
have had a good community response but we need more volunteers for 2024
This will require no more than half an hour per month.
We aim to create a roster with a minimum of three people per watering team.
Each team will meet at 8am on Wednesdays in the small Hannah Street
carpark, collect watering cans from The Garden Clinic, water the Planter
Boxes, then return the watering cans.
If you can participate, please join the group by visitingCLICK HERE
Beecroft Rotary Club Once
again this year the Beecroft Rotary Club organised a charming Christmas
Pageant. Santa was delivered to the village by the Beecroft Fire
Brigade. A fantastic effort by Rotary and the Fire Brigade.
Beecroft Probus Club Beecroft
Probus was established over 40 years ago in 1981 and like Beecroft West
and Beecroft Mixed, we are all part of the Probus South Pacific
While we are a men’s club designed to build camaraderie through shared
experience, partners are always encouraged to attend meetings and
We meet monthly every fourth Monday morning at the Cheltenham Recreation
Club and always have a guest speaker with an interesting topic. .
We focus on acquaintance, fellowship and expanding our knowledge; free
from the constraints of politics, religion, fundraising and competition.
To access the website CLICK HERE
Alternatively contact the secretary Ross Walker on 0412 257 556 for more information.
Beecroft Orchestra 2023 Summer Concert – Sunday December 10 – Cheltenham Performance Hall.
Come and enjoy another great concert performance, with a delicious
afternoon tea, from your local Beecroft Orchestra on Sunday 10th
December at 2.30pm in the Cheltenham Girls High School new Performance
The orchestra, under the baton of Joanna Drimatis, will be
performing works by Jessica Wells, Saint-Saens, Mozart, Sibelius and
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor.
Our Beecroft orchestra ensures that Australian Composers have
their works played and appreciated. At this concert, Jessica
Wells’ composition ’The Emu in the Sky’ is featured. Jessica
says: “The Emu in the Sky is seen near the Southern Cross constellation
and its body is made up of the dark patches of sky between the stars. It
is common between many Aboriginal language groups and highlights
connections between sky and land, between living things and the
environment. In this piece I wish to portray the beauty of the night sky
and contemplate and respect the vast knowledge and culture of
Aboriginal people which encompasses our country.”
You will hear Camille Saint-Saens lively Bacchanale from Samson
and Delilah conducted by Toby, our ‘young conductor in residence’ for
this term 4 of 2023.
At this concert we feature two violin concertos, namely Mozart’s
1775 Violin Concerto No.4 in D Major and Jean Sibelius’ only concerto,
his 1904 Violin Concerto in D Minor.
The concert will conclude with Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s Christmas Overture.
Tickets are always available on the Beecroft Orchestra Website
(where you can also make a tax-deductible donation) or at the door. CLICK HERE
1 - 3 Wongala Crescent Beecroft The Civic Trust has responded to a development application for this site.
The letter to Council can be viewed CLICK HERE
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust If
you value your Trust and appreciate the work the Trust does to preserve
the amenity and heritage of our two suburbs, please consider renewing
your financial membership.
This can be done on-line at https://bcct2119.com.au/membership.htm Without your valued support, the Trust will cease to exist.
The Trust has for many years fought and lobbied to protect our suburbs.
Local Justice of the Peace Timothy
Abrams, a Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust committee member, has
generously offered his services as a Justice of the Peace for any
residents requiring this service.
Tim can be contacted on Mob 0417 662 405
Dr. Penelope Crossley has also generously offered her services.
Penelope is a practising solicitor and is happy to witness documents pro
bono for 2119 residents if Tim is unavailable. Penelope can be
contacted on 0449 232 474.
new Parramatta Local Environment Plan is in force and prevails over the
Hornsby LEP in the Parramatta Local Government Area. See link to the
full Parramatta LEP 2023 CLICK HERE and links to Part 1 Heritage items,CLICK HERE Part 2 Heritage Conservation areas CLICK HERE and Part 3 Archaeological sites CLICK HERE
Julian Leeser MP. December Newsletter The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Shire Council's "Have Your Say" Can be viewed CLICK HERE
Hornsby Shire Council's December News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
City of Parramatta's December News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Other objections and correspondence with council can be viewed CLICK HERE
Annual Memberships for 2024 will once again become due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. We already send the eNews to many of our residents. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends and suggest they too subscribe. The eNews letter is
available to all who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always sought to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.