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Membership Form

  • As individuals, we may feel we have little control or agency in relation to bureaucracies. Organisations such as the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, provided we have the numbers, can make a real difference. By weight of public opinion and with the acumen of a range of local professionals such as the Committee members, issues affecting the quality of life of our community can be more effectively promoted.

  • If you have lived in Beecroft Cheltenham for any length of time, you would have seen many changes, both good and bad. You may be a new resident, attracted to Beecroft / Cheltenham by its tree lined streets, its village atmosphere, its charm and its schools with enviable reputations. Help us to keep it that way.
  • Join the Trust and let your voice be heard!.
  • Household Membership: $20 yearly / Single Resident: $20 yearly.
  • An EFT can be transacted with the Commonwealth Bank BSB 062 113 Account Number 10068238.
  • Cheques can be mailed to: Beecroft Chetenham Civic Trust, PO Box 31 Beecroft NSW 2119.
  • New members joining after 1 October any year will be credited with the subscription for the following year.
  • Donations are also welcomed to assist the Trust in being self supporting. Annual membership fees cover the day to day running of the Trust, but donations are essential for the Trust to engage expert reports on key issues and council plans.
  • To join the Trust, please enter your details!









